January 2010
Found out that I had passed all my exams and OSCE’s for Paediatrics and Obs & Gynae for the previous year. Started the Psychiatry rotation, which I have been dreading but actually turned out to be extremely interesting and now in my top list for future careers (even if they are a little haphazard on the organisational front…)
Made my own bedside cabinet – didn’t like any of the ones on offer, so built my own from 2 bits of wood – total of £12 (it does actually look fairly impressive, honest!). Put up the great mirror and lovely picture I got for xmas – bedroom looking much nicer now.
Worked out the number of hours of daylight (based on the longitude of Derby and a useful website) that my chickens wouldn’t start laying eggs again until mid February. Rigged up an outdoor light and timer to shine from 5-8am and within 4 days the hens were laying (Rory: 1, chicken pineal gland: 0).
This month I gave up pasta, egg yolks and broadcast TV.
Feb 2010
Psychiatry rotation over, starting Health Care of the Elderly. Expecting the worst…
March 2010
Nov 2010
Doing my special study module in Bariatric Surgery, but seem to have been commandeered into doing a paper on the patients with diabetes (apparently we can’t call them diabetics any more) who have undergone gastric bypass surgery. All going well and I am learning how to write a paper (bit of a novelty playing with the data and seeing what it shows, rather than in business where I set out with definite aims for what i needed to prove and then hammered the data until it fitted).