Rory Johnston B.Eng (HONS), MBCS, BMBS |
Career Currently: August 2013-July 2017: GP Registrar (associate in training) – Based in Chelmsford area. August 2012-July 2013: Foundation Year 2 Doctor, Kings Mill Hospital Mansfie;d. August 2011-July 2012: Foundation Year 1 Doctor, Derby Hospital. Sept 2007-Jun 2011: Medical Student on the Graduate Entry Medicine (GEM) course at the University of Nottingham 2005-2007: Principal Performance Manager at Cable & Wireless International. We monitored the performance for the C&W GSM mobile networks around the world (Caribbean, Monaco, Macau, Afghanistan, Kosovo). 2000-2005: Senior Engineer, T-Mobile UK 1997-2000: University of Edinburgh Contacts